Thursday, 20 May 2010

Change of plan...

OK, so I have not even looked at my blog for a very long time.  Like a lot of things, I became bored of it.  Bored of my own words mostly! 
Neither have I really picked up my camera. Shameful I know!
This is going to have to change. Now.
So, I have decided I am going make the blog more about the visuals, rather than the words. For now at least.

I am due to be out and about around London and France in the coming months, so lets see what I find on my travels.

For now... check out this great band, The Shills. Monday saw the release of  their 'Sweet Inertia E.P'.
Not only do these boys have style but they also deliver a shitload of substance!

If you want to see them in the flesh (and I recommend you do) then...!/event.php?eid=111067392267204&ref=ts

For you non Facebookers...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 8:00pm
Camden Monarch
Chalk Farm Road, London

Come along, you would be a fool not to! A fool I tell you!


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