I am currently watching Chapter 27, story of the assassination of John Lennon, starring a fat Jared Leto as the creepy Mark David Chapman (and Lindsay Lohan). A slow starter but actually just got interesting, and therefore I shall make this a quick post! I decided to have a nosy on Facebook (as you do) whilst waiting for something to happen and came across pictures from a night that I believe is held in Leeds and Manchester called Vogue (Apparenly an industry party... pah! It seems that soap actors WAG wannabe types are the only people in attendance!). Ironic really, as this night couldn’t be any further away from being in Vogue!! I must stress the night ‘added’ me and I constantly get invites… decline, decline, decline I say! Although I am half tempted to go along one night just for the amusement!! Although I don’t think you are granted entry if you do not possess either/or an orange tan, crooked, big or just plain ugly nose and a wall of bad makeup!! Harsh but oh so true. See for yourself…

What initially caught my eye was the girl below wearing the bra top (an actual (strapless) bra so it seems)…
and I can't not mention the god awful skirt! My eyes, my eyes!! I am not even going to say a word about the other 'oufit'!
Underwear as outerwear has always been a firm favourite of mine and at the moment I am rocking it every chance I get! I will opt for a silver sequin version for Lady Gaga on Friday, the last time I feel I can get away with sequins this year (it is still snowing for Christ sake so it is most definitely still winter!). Some people however, should just not go there! It’s when trends like this come along that I am grateful for my modest C cup!
Sexy yet cool!
I must stress that I am aware of how long this has been a 'trend' but I am it's biggest fan (alonside 80's Madonna) and I do not like to see it tarnished!!
I have a lovely dusky pink, velvet bra top waiting patiently for when the sun decides to show its face! I also bought a red and white gingham one yesterday from TK Maxx, which will go lovely with a pair of high waisted, white, cut off denim shorts! Roll on summer… my wardrobe is waiting!
Anyway back to the film… oh and speaking of film, my boyfriend’s band is shooting the video for their new single as I speak (type)! How very glamorous! I on the other hand, am sat in my pyjamas and dressing gown, aching after the gym! Not so glamorous!
Bye for now!
Aaaaaaarhh he just shot Lennon!!!